Did I Need a Skull Tiara?

The answer to this query is no. Did I buy a skull tiara? You know full well I did. Is it blingy to hell and covered in clear gemstones? Yep. Was it less that $30? It was…which is why I just couldn’t resist.

Me wearing a tiara made up of a series of small skulls.

I also recently got a new grouping of bath bombs and my first bath potion from Witch Baby Soap. I had never tried the bath potion before. I bought it in Little Boo which smells like Pumpkin, Marshmallow and crisped rice. Add a cap full or two to your bath water and it not only smells wonderful, but you get a bath full of bubbles! I love it! I was already in love with their bath bombs but now I will have to invest in bath potions as well.

Here’s to treating yourself to Spooky Halloween Treats!


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